We made it!

29 June 2024 07:12

After a loooong trip from Slovakia straight through the Tjech Republic, we reached our destination in Poland!

Chrome got it done, and with minor issues. Off course we are proud of her, we will arrange an early retirement as soon as we really get home and let her settle a bit.

in the Tjech Republic we had a coffee break in Brno, which followed to be a very cool city. The only thing we miscalculated was the length of the remaining trip after that, it was butsoaring long. Slightly broken we arrived at the destination and..... code Orange weather alert. A bit posh we booked a hotel room, greatest decision ever after this endless day!

We want to thank all of you for the generous donations, it exceeded our expectations by far! If we can only change the lives of a few children for the better, it's more than worth it. 

Now it's back home to our families, and have some rest. We can't wait to see them so very excited! Thanks all and be well!