We succesfully reached Slovakia

27 June 2024 19:52

After a long day of driving we reached Slovakia! We made a stop at lake Ballaton near Budapest to have a little swim and a big lunch. 

different from yesterday was the scenery, since we left the mountain area and reached flat lands. Less impressive, but still a superb drive and a good impression of all the little villages in the different countries we past. Especially the Hungarian border passing was awesome, dozens of kids were welcoming us in their country. 

Around 19 we reached the campsite located at a little airport in Slovakia. Time to build camp and cool ourselves a nice diner. Also let our wet camp equipment dry as long as the sun is up, we had quite some rain last night. But nothing to worry about. 

Chrome also had zero issues today. Runs like a dream, we have full confidence in reaching our end goal Poland tomorrow!

and a short movie after arriving:
