Asset | IB&M Charity Day

Asset IB&M Charity Committee


49% reached of my target amount €1,500

As part of the third Lustrum of Asset | International Business & Management we decided to newly establish the Charity Day. A day focused on making an impact.

Therefore, the goal of the Charity Day is to raise as much money possible for the NGO War Child. War Child is the only specialist charity for children affected by conflict. Their main goal is to ensure a safe future for every child living through war and we want to support this mission. 

The NGO operates in almost all war zone countries such as Afghanistan, Syria and Lebanon. They work with their professionals and employees, as well as a large group of volunteers with the aim of providing the maximum possible, including quality education and school equipment and that is why our donations can help.

Together we can make a difference and we hope that a day focused on these topics will make people reflect and open to support children that live in less fortunate situations.